Targeted Industries & Focused areas
- Multinational Corporates
- Financial & Capital Market Accounts
- Start-ups and post start-ups who want to leverage to the next level of growth
Special Focus / Knowledge / References:
- IT & Software Industry
- Financial Capital Market
- Consumer Goods & Services
- Healthcare & LifeScience Industry
- Media & Information Service Industry
- ESG related growth themes
- Product design, Circular Economy
- Selling into FCM to permit new Investment Vehicles and Products
- Corporate Accounts to drive a Systematic SR reporting, Improve their rank within peer group and access to Financial Vehicles - Global Marketing & Sales Growth Acceleration
- M&A and Investment Advisory
Targeted Audience & Network
- C-Level Multinationals (Fortune 500)
- Head of Research
- IR & SRI leaders
- Procurement-, IT Lead
- Marketing Head / CMO
- Head of Strategy
- Entrepreneurs
- Corporate Planning
Themes to cover
- Aspire Alpha
- Customer Experience Deep Dive
- Sales Growth in challenging Markets and Environments
- Growth Diagnostic
- Transformation & Turnaround
- Building high Performing Organisations
- M&A and Corporate Finance
- Business Risk Intelligence & Management
- Product & Success Development
- Innovation Pipeline Refresh
- Realignment & Prioritization Workshop
- Product & Experience Design
ja-advisory BASIC offers a range of corporate development services focussing on unloading CEOs from operational tasks and allowing them to develop and deliver the business strategy:
Business Growth
- Companies strategy & marketing growth definition
- Outlining and implementation of tools and templates to achieve aspired growth
- Business model development to drive growth into untapped markets
- Definition and lead of competitive displacement programs
- Customer experience diagnostics program
ja-advisory PREMIUM offers incrementally active Transformational LEADERSHIP capacity:
Business Leadership Growth
- Managing performance, coaching and development of global and/or regional marketing & sales teams
- Offer participation into lively 5000 C-Level network in corporates and consumer goods companies
- Global & regional ongoing account management
ja-advisory EXPERT offers incrementally investment decision support and financing solutions:
Business, Leaders, Networks & Financing Growth
- M&A and venture capital support
- Private investments and advisory
- Risk management advisory and big data content
- ja-advisory ESG offers investors the opportunity to invest in companies whose business concepts and products meet the strictest criteria in the areas of environmental protection, Social responsibility and corporate governance (ESG)
Sustainable Business Growth
- ja-advisory ESG offers research companies to position their data and subscription services at Financial & Capital Market accounts (FCM) companies, inclusive pension funds, hedge funds, AMS, as well as addresses solutions to implement a sustainable SRI strategy for corporate investor relations.